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In the early 70s the Rolling Stones sized it up for we working stiffs in their song ‘Luxury’:

 I want a real fine car, fly Miami too
All the rum, I want to drink it, all the whiskey too
My woman need a new dress, my daughter got to go to school
I’m working so hard, I’m working for the company
I’m working so hard to keep you in the luxury

You can’t call me lazy on a seven day a week
Make a million for the Texans, twenty dollar me
Yes, I want a gold ring, riding in a limousine
I’m working so hard, I’m working for the company
I’m working so hard to keep you in the luxury

Now listen, I’m a proud man, not a beggar walking on the street
I’m working so hard, to keep you from the poverty
I’m working so hard to keep you in the luxury, oh yeah
(I’m working so hard, I’m working so hard)
Harder, harder, working, working, working

I think it’s such a strange thing, giving me concern
Half the world it got nothing the other half got money to burn
My woman need a new dress, my daughter got to go to school
I’m working so hard, I’m working for the company, oh, yeah
I’m working so hard, oh, yeah

Working on a Sunday in refinery
Make a million for the Texans, twenty dollar me
All the rum, I want to drink it, I got responsibility
I’m working so hard to keep you from the poverty, oh, yeah
I’m working so hard, I’m working for the company, oh, yeah
I’m working so hard, oh, yeah

 Sadly, nothing has changed for those of us who work for ‘ The Man’ or ‘ The Corporation’. Wherever one may look one will see that there are really NO leaders, from either of the ‘ One Party/Two Party’ scheme, to look out for us. Why? As this writer alludes to by the title of our website, It’s the empire… stupid!! George Orwell referred to it as ‘ Big Brother’ in his tremendous novel 1984. The ‘ Man’ or ‘ The Corporation’ or ‘ The Company’ (from Jagger and Richards) translates into the same mush. It’s the Super Rich , meaning those within a fraction of the 1% of us, who pull the strings of this horrendous puppet system. How cunning they have always been to offer us Serfs the appearance of democracy. You hear it from all the talking heads from both sides of the aisle in government, along with their counterparts in the mainstream or corporate run media. They all trumpet this facade of true representative government… a LIE! As with Jim Morrison’s famous rant from one of his hit songs, The Soft Parade:

When I was back there in seminary school
There was a person there
Who put forth the proposition
That you can petition the Lord with prayer
Petition the lord with prayer
Petition the lord with prayer
You cannot petition the lord with prayer!

If we wish to have the change needed inside of this empire, beginning with election of our representatives, we need to take ALL PRIVATE MONEY OUT OF POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS!  The 1976 Supreme Court ruling in Buckley vs. Valeo , saying that ‘ Money is Free Speech’ , opened the door , or rather kept the door closed, on electoral fairness. So long as the Super Rich can pull the purse strings on elections, we will never see the best people ( from us working stiffs AKA 99+ % of the populace) being able to both run for office and win those offices… PERIOD! As Morrison used the analogy of prayer, so it is with us working stiffs petitioning our government to heed us. It is , as many say, a game. Violence will never be the answer, because it begets more violence and usually places the wrong people as replacements to lead. Once more of us who work and strain under this empire see it for what it is….

PA Farruggio
June 2021