by Philip Farruggio | Oct 7, 2020 | Blog, Greanville Post
Think about this: You know how spiders look, ditto for bees, ants and other assorted bugs. Yet, when it comes to termites, few of us can even sketch how they look. Meanwhile, every homeowner and tenant has to be on guard for these creatures, who will destroy the very...
by Philip Farruggio | Aug 24, 2020 | Blog, Greanville Post
Sociologist C. Wright Mills wrote a book in 1956 that (sadly) still resonates today. In his book ‘ The Power Elite’ Mills focused on groups and individuals who help to control this Republic for countless generations: the “Metropolitan 400”:...
by Philip Farruggio | Jul 28, 2020 | Blog, Greanville Post
The late great cartoonist and political satirist Walt Kelly created his Pogo comic strip that ran from 1948 to 1975. Pogo was syndicated and seen by millions each day. One famous Pogo was the aforementioned ‘ We have met the enemy… and he be US!’ How...
by Philip Farruggio | Jun 17, 2020 | Blog, Greanville Post
You might as well turn off that boob tube ASAP. The bull excrement is running wild! Where does one start? Well, let’s go to that sea of new human interest corporate commercials saying how they all ‘ Care about you during this pandemic’. All those...
by Philip Farruggio | Mar 4, 2020 | Blog, Greanville Post
Many baby boomers like this writer seem to have better ‘ long term memory’ than what just transpired recently. I can remember, almost vividly, when we held our student government elections over 50 years ago. Current NY Senator Chuck Schumer, running for school...
by Philip Farruggio | Nov 17, 2019 | Blog, Global Research, Greanville Post
In Godfather 2 there is a riveting ( in its bluntness ) scene involving Michael Corleone and Nevada Senator Pat Geary. At his son’s confirmation party, in a private meeting room, the senator wants a hefty bribe to help with a new casino license. This new...