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Amerika : DOA

Amerika : DOA

It wasn’t the pandemic  or the slew of hurricanes that has been killing my country. No sir. The ever growing monster called Empire has been devouring our republic for decades. The Super Rich who have always controlled this scam and labeled it democracy laugh...
Floating Down the Abyss

Floating Down the Abyss

The dictionary defines abyss as “A Deep or seemingly bottomless chasm.” Look around you folks and realize just how far down that rabbit hole we have fallen. You turn on the boob tube and try to watch a NFL football game. The teams are owned by billionaires...
Onward White Christian MAGA Soldiers!!!

Onward White Christian MAGA Soldiers!!!

The 1960 Stanley Kramer classic film ‘ Inherit the Wind’ is a must see for everyone, especially our young middle and high school students. This film focused on the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial when a teacher was arrested for teaching evolution in Tennessee....
It’s All Right Ma… I’m Only Bleeding!

It’s All Right Ma… I’m Only Bleeding!

Many thanks to Bob Dylan’s great song of the same name. What rankles me is how so many of my friends, neighbors and acquaintances seem to accept how far down the rabbit hole our Amerikan society has fallen. We live under the broken umbrella of an nation whose...
The War at Home, Fall of 70

The War at Home, Fall of 70

When you’re 20, playing college football, chasing girls and barely keeping enough passing grades to stay out of the draft, what could be better? That was this writer in the fall of ’70, at the height of the Vietnam debacle ( I never would call it a war)....
Our Only Hope: Socialism!!

Our Only Hope: Socialism!!

The embedded mainstream media, owned by this Military Industrial Empire, has made Socialism synonymous with Communism. That makes the ( sadly) dumbed down public think of the old Soviet Union with its totalitarianism. They are made to believe that Big Brother will run...