Most of the demagogues or so called ‘ People’s Populists’ like Obama have always relied on the big machers ( as my Jewish heritage calls it) to get them across the finish line. Of course, once they get in power they make sure to give back to the Super Rich who bankrolled them and their party. Along with the slew of mega money needed is, as Goebbels said it best, emotion and action to lead the lemmings over the cliffs of reason. Look at the millions of usually decent Americans who keep falling for the bull excrement that the two parties pile their way. Just find a few hot button issues and the suckers will always do their bidding right up to the polling booth.
On the right wing side of the aisle the fear of illegals coming to rape your women and sell drugs to your kids. Or the murder of a fetus in the womb . Or the free ride given to ‘lazy’ poor blacks and browns out of our taxes. Another great gimmick is to stop the government from running our lives with mask and vaccine mandates . Funny how they make sure to never get into how the Military Industrial Empire is sucking up the majority of everyone’s tax money, or how corporate America rules the roost over the Mom and Pop Main Street. Of course, the Christian Fascist clique that has so much influence on their party hacks continues to restrict a woman’s right to choose and a gay person’s right to exist as the please.
On the Democratic side of the ledger they basically tell folks how they, the Democrats, are the ‘ People’s Party’. Meanwhile, they go along with most of the economic injustices that the corporate world gets away with. Add to that how it is the Democrats who are opening our federal purse to subsidize the immoral Israeli ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Of course, with the Orange Clown in power we would be seeing the same scenario. When will the jackass party begin to go back to what FDR did and take from the super rich and redistribute to us working stiffs and poor?
PA Farruggio
March 31, 2024
As adroitfully analyzed and told by Mr.Farruggio,the Repubs have ALWAYS used fear to brainwash their followers..Thus,individual,anecdotal examples (NON -SYSTEMIC) of crime , and immigration fears of outsiders who are usually people of color,are thrown at the populace to scare them..Hence,the ORANGE CRETIN DRUMPF laments that Mexican deplorables,rapists,thugs are crossing the border to “pollute our blood”..Remember how Michael Dukakis was ridiculed for being soft on crime.?…Trump lamenting a few years ago,,”Why can’t we have more immigrants coming here from North/Western Europe,etc.,etc..It is A PROVEN FACT THAT ILLEGAL ALIENS COMMIT LESS CRIME THAN NATIVE BORN AMERICANS ,BUT COUNT ON THE REPUBLICAN PARTY TO RESORT TO THEIR TRADITIONAL SCARE TACTICS…As Mr.Farruggio has accurately stated,Democrats are guilty, to a lesser degree,but still feed from the trough of campaign donations and private $.
prof Mike, right on bro!! i should get you on for an interview.