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When Daddy Became a Bookie

When Daddy Became a Bookie

My old man got screwed by his Used Car partner right before I was born. He wound up declaring personal bankruptcy after Amos forged his name on a bank loan. Thank goodness my grandfather, my Mom's dad, found him employment on the docks. Grandpa Phil had at one time...

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When Daddy Drove a Limo

When Daddy Drove a Limo

The fall from grace can be so deep. Here he was, 36 and broke. Divorced, with two little angels that he saw at least twice a week, regardless of what his ex felt. He had definitely ' Made his own bed' when he blew the cash from the sale of his dying business two years...

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Serfs Up!

Serfs Up!

No, this is not about the ocean or surfboards. It's about the current economic and cultural climate we are living in. While the Democratic Party turned a mostly deaf ear to the ills of our working stiffs... for decades, their adversaries, the Republican Wolves, have...

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The War Pigs Never Go Away

The War Pigs Never Go Away

Amazing how truth can stand up to time, sometimes in such a sad way. Check out the 1970 Black Sabbath song ' War Pigs' and compare it to today's insanity: War Pigs A Song by Black Sabbath Generals gathered in their masses Just like witches at black masses Evil minds...

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Prerecorded one-hour interviews are available at Spreaker (

The New American Dream

WE HAVE A NEW AMERICAN DREAM, not of new homes and toasters and microwaves, but of becoming the type of country we always thought we were. The show runs live from 8 pm to 10 pm Eastern time every Thursday. Philip’s segment is at 8:30 pm. Previous shows are available in archive, dating back to February 3, 2011.

The Greanville Post

THE GREANVILLE POST is an antidote to the prevailing brainwash afflicting most people in the United States and much of the Western World. The Greanville Post is an independent left, non-dogmatic publication dedicated to seeking the truth wherever it may be found.

Global Research

The Global Research website at publishes news articles, commentary, background research and analysis on a broad range of issues, focusing on social, political, economic, cultural, strategic and environmental issues.

Philip’s contributions may be found here.