This writer is approaching the same zone that many seniors over 70 face. I too can see me forgetting things, simple tasks that a few years ago were never the case. I also have a ‘Fellow senior’ empathy for what President Biden has been experiencing. The sad reality is that, according to many accounts by aides, ex aides and his fellow Democrats, he has become the ‘ Sleepy Joe’ for many years, not just months. Does anyone recall that this man made the semi pledge after being elected that he would NOT run for re-election? Now, we have the second ‘ Big Con’, or is it the third? I guess the first ‘ Big Con’ is how in the hell this man got the nomination in the first place! Sanders was doing well in the 2020 primary season. God forbid that the big machers , as my 12.5% Jewish heritage says it, would ever push for such a Radical Lefty like Bernie. No, the big money and the minions within the party that they control wanted a shift away from anything even smelling like progressive! So, the first ‘Con’ was to orchestrate getting Biden, who was doing so poorly at the time, into the frontrunner role. They got Sen. Amy and Mayor Pete to not only drop out right after the last debate, but to openly support Sleepy Joe. Then, Biden’s longtime pal , Sen. Clyburn of South Carolina, pushed the black pastors to jump on the Biden train for the next primary ( South Carolina) within days. The rest is history.
With all respect for the man’s current health, Joe Biden was always my least favorite Democrat, right next to Miss Hillary. Check out his record as a Senator: Badmouthed Anti Vietnam War protestors calling them Assholes, savaged Anita Hill and kept a few other women from testifying against Clarence Thomas, which sewed up his confirmation, supported Bill Clinton’s welfare reform bill which devastated poor families, supported the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq in 2003, threw softball questions at Alberto Gonzales during his confirmation hearing for Attorney General, even though all of Congress knew Gonzales signed off on Jay Bybee and John Yoo’s disgraceful protocols to allow torture, circumventing the Geneva Accords. Sleepy Joe was determined to become president, even though he had ‘ Loser’ written all over his face the many times he tried… and I won’t even touch his conduct as VP concerning Ukraine ( and his son’s basically no show jobs there). All in all, Joe Biden was not such a great guy for decades! Yes, when the Trump presidency became so reckless President Biden has done some good things to bandage the wounds. Not enough for this progressive thinker but…
Now, we come to the reason for this piece, the new ‘ Big Con’ by the Biden camp. I say ‘ Camp’ because whomever it is that is whispering in Sleepy Joe’s ear is doing the Democratic Party and the country a disservice. First off, they wasted a few precious weeks until yesterday’s announcement. Was his ego, and that of his inner circle so huge? Then comes the endorsement of Ms. Harris as his choice, a person that most of us never even noticed these three plus years. Factor in the scientific polling that each of these multibillion dollar parties have. It was already leaked out, soon after the debate fiasco, that Harris would not stand a chance against Trump. Yet, instead of doing what most of the heavy hitters of his party had suggested, an ‘ Open Convention’, Sleepy Joe does this. Why? Here’s my conspiracy theory: Picking Harris will secure that the Democrats will lose and all the ( so called) Democratic Party leaning media and journalists will say ‘ If only Joe could have run’. The party has plenty of heavy hitters in both the Senate and Governorships who have been out there for some time publically to give them a better chance at Trump.
Securing one’s legacy at the expense of the rest of us Sleepy Joe!! Shame on you!
PA Farruggio
July, 2024
Yeah, but not one Democrat came forth to put his/her hat in the ring. Biden has some baggage that he accumulated over the years, but he has been the most progressive president we’ve had since LBJ, JFK, and FDR. Even Bernie and Ocasio Cortez supported him untll the very end. Your conspiracy theory is way off. Most people, including his closest aides, know that he couldn’t win and told him so.
Mr.Farruggio’s political analysis is constantly accurate….here,he alerts us to Biden’s past blunders …I do agree with commentor Cantos that Biden’s domestic achievements are sizeable..I also believe that the Democrats in no way want to lose this upcoming election…Writer Farruggio has consistently and eloquently spoken about the dangers to democracy from Donald Trump and his intellectually impaired MAGA WORLD worshippers. However,his conspiracy belief is too much of a stretch ..For the sake of sanity ,compassion and rationality,Trumpism must be defeated..Mr.Farruggio is STILL A MUST READ .His commentaries are great lessons in history and provide spot on political analysis.
Thanks for your kind words Prof. Mike.
As far as my conspiracy theory, well, you saw how quickly the whole Democratic leaning media jumped onto the Harris bandwagon… before the party leaders had a chance to call for an open convention. Why so quickly?
Weeks ago, on those same channels it was shared how the party secret polling did not show Harris to be able to defeat Trump. Yet, all Biden had to do ( or be told to do) was endorse her right away. Fishy Fishy Fishy.
you say progressive, an oxymoron when mentioning Biden. He never used the bully pulpit to push for Medicare for All. He never once pushed to lower our obscene military spending… as president or as VP or Sen.
Today’s Democratic progressive would be behind in line behind Nixon. They would be ‘ Moderate Republicans’ in the 60s and 70s.
Irwin, Biden serves this empire and always has. He is NOT anywhere near what FDR was domestically. Sorry
And I voted for him and will vote straight Democrat due to the other party, the fascist one.
The lesser of two evils is still evil! America needs a MAJOR political shake-up AND shake-out. I certainly would not call America a ‘democracy’…not by a long shot.