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Years ago, maybe 25 or so, this writer joined the Green Party. Most of us who did so had this great dream of pushing through the barbed wire of the Two Party/One Party encampment. We supported, first Ralph Nader, and then anyone the Greens selected, in hopes of usurping the tremendous ( and deadly) mechanisms of the Super Rich who pulled the strings of both the Democrats and Republicans. We saw how dangerous the Bush/Cheney Cabal was, and the phony, illegal wars on Iraq and Afghanistan proved it. Meanwhile, we who ‘ Know a thing or two about a thing or two’ realized that a President Gore with Neo Con, pro Zionist Vice President Lieberman would have essentially committed the same blatant acts of aggression internationally. Yes, on many domestic issues ( not all, case in point the Bill and Hillary Clinton disgraceful ‘ Welfare Reform Act’ and their refusal to back a total government run Medicare for All) the Democrats were still much better for us working stiffs and indigent. They have been historically the ‘ Lesser of Two Evils’, no doubt about that.

You look at Europe currently and their political apparatus and you can see how multi party systems operate. Not nearly successful, but damn better than ours! Within those electoral systems there are opportunities for coalitions to form from the different parties. Not perfect, as we can see with the UK which, despite having multiparty politics, there is still a ( sadly) vibrant two party system in place. Their public has, as with the USA, been propagandized over generations to only think between Labor and Tory for their answers. Yet, in France for one example, there currently is lots of energy being expressed to stop the ( sadly) popular Marine LePen’s far right wing National Party from taking over.  Already in Italy, the  far right wing Italian ruling party of Georgia Meloni, the Brothers of Italy, is now in power. The highly popular AfD, far right wing party of Germany, which scored 2nd in the Euro Parliamentary elections the other day, is moving closer to power. To those of you not in the know, this all is just a mirror of America’s MAGA movement. It seems the so called ‘ Free World’ is gung ho for repressive phony populist movements because they all are, with complete candor, White Supremacist… period!

So, since the US has been ruled by this Two Party/One Party scam for so long, the MAGA train is on par with how the National Socialists ( NAZI Party) were rambling through German society in the late 1920s and early 30s. If MAGA  gets another rerun through Mr. Trump ,with his handlers and minions ,things will go from bad to worse for most Americans… and quickly. I cannot use my time to try to analyze the how and the why of this. No, all I can say is that for those of us ( hopefully most of us) who want no part of MAGA, the Neo Fascist Republican Party and Trump, we are forced to swallow our principles and vote for the Democrats in November. Yes, the game has been rigged, but to not play at all will see the slide into an autocratic regime similar to when they burned those witches in Salem hundreds of years past. I honestly do not know how many of my fellow citizens can survive that.

PA Farruggio
June, 2024