They attribute the famous quote ‘ Let them eat cake’ to Marie Antoinette, Queen Consort of King Louis XIV of France. Apparently, she was told that the peasants did not have enough bread to eat. Her retort Let them eat cake, famous for all the Super Rich throughout history ( and right smack dab into our present USA), shows the utter arrogance, indifference and lack of empathy for most of our low and middle income working stiffs. Last night’s disgraceful vote results to allow Trump back into power reveal just how far down the rabbit hole of immorality our nation has fallen! Why did this happen? The orchestrators of this scam called a ‘ Two Party System’ have done a deed of no return towards our republic. Notice how I refuse to call what we have a democracy. To this writer a true democracy is when state power is vested in the people or the general population of that state. Sadly, what we have here in Amerika is moneyed interests AKA The Super Rich that control the ‘ What and How’ people think.
One part of this scam calls itself Republicans or recently MAGA. They flood the media with half truths and outright lies to frighten the suckers… sorry, the voters. Fentanyl carrying illegal aliens AKA Brown skinned Latinos who wish to rob and rape our beautiful lily white women. Schools that groom little boys into becoming little girls. Librarians who stack those shelves with books promoting such behavior , along with anti white anger about not too important things like, duh, slavery. The other party, to these wonderful patriots, is nothing more than a bunch of Marxists and out and out Communists. Wow!
The equally reprehensible other half of the scam is the Democratic Party, once the party of FDR and progressive ideas. Not anymore. They have their own sponsors AKA donors who keep them on track to be ‘ not so terrible’ as the other party. They say how terrible they feel for the low income and middle class as the Military Industrial Empire they too serve turns the screws. When it comes to issues like abortion rights and gay rights the Democrats are spot on. When it comes to workers and renters becoming Serfs in this new feudal miss mush they remain silent. Many times they actually agree on the basic crime of privatization of public means and services along with the party opposite. Isn’t democracy great?
Trump won because of a few main factors. Factor one is that most of the whites who voted for him just don’t like having blacks and browns living near them or attending school with their kids. Let’s just call a spade a spade, if you get my humor? Factor two is that his populist rhetoric received a warm reception, especially with so many working class whites who don’t have a pot to piss in . Imagine how he sold the illusion that HE was against the evil DEEP STATE, a place that he has made his home for his entire career. As this corporate empire keeps swallowing working stiffs up, one wonders how many MAGA non union workers ( less than 10% of the private sector) will go to bed still thanking the Lord for Trump. Factor three are the millions of evangelical types ( you know, the ones who think they own Jesus) who see abortion and LBGTQ as the first and second deadliest sins.
My query to all those seniors who voted for Trump and his party: When and If you become feeble and infirmed and need a nursing home, after the consistent cuts to Medicaid, will you have the $20k per MONTH to cover that cost? What if this new ‘ Trump will fix it’ government decides to cut your Social Security and adds to your Medicare contribution? How about my query to those women who follow the leader Trump and his party: As abortion becomes either difficult or actually outlawed, what if you or your daughter or granddaughter goes out with a guy, has too many drinks and winds up becoming pregnant and he’s a ‘ No show’? Now, as in the pre Rowe period, we know that a woman who had the money could always find a doctor who did the deed secretly. What if you are not that well off to afford such a fee, and it would be a pretty high one, because the doc has to be very very discreet? These are questions that need to be answered by you Trump ( and Republican Party) supporters.
Finally, remember dear MAGA neighbors of mine, the old biblical saying: “For they sow the wind and they will reap the whirlwind.”
PA Farruggio
After the Fall, November 6th 2024
So true. Love this article!!!
As is always the case ,political observer Mr.Farruggio scores a bullseye. Many great points were made here,but especially true was how this political analyst ironically calls the MAGA crowd so accepting of Trump’s Deep State contentions WHEN TRUMP IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE DEEP STATE! Also scary to see and hear are examples of the MAGA cults’ ignorance to what pending cuts to Social Security,Medicare,and Medicaid programs will do to negatively impact their lives.
You describe the MAGA crowd: racists & religious fundamentalists. Yes they will always be for the Trumpist charlatans who pander to their prejudices.
BUT they are not who gave him this decisive victory because there are not that many of them.
This overwhelming majority is part of a phenomenon now happening in many capitalist countries: throw the incumbents out because the system is not working and is getting worse for the working class
None of the liberal parties have produced solutions (like Labour in Britain, the Social Dems in Germany & France, the Peronists in Argentina, etc)
So people vote for the right wing populists who promise “change”
In the US, the Dems have lost votes from their traditional base because of disgust at their war spending and genocide
Trump & the GOP will fall on their face when they start (or try) to implement their reactionary measures, and masses of people will be eager to fight for REAL change
The establishment media is gone and the internet will be more controlled, so grass roots organizing will have to use alternative means; but it CAN and will be done
The talent & resourcefulness is with the good people…they must and will wake up
This repression has happened before in working class history and we have overcome it