Cold blooded murder, as they call it, sucks! When it is pre-meditated it is even worse. In Nazi Germany, once Hitler and his gang were in power, ‘ No holds were barred!’ Jewish citizens were ‘ Fair game’. Imagine Goebbels stating on their state controlled radio and television after another Brown shirt killing of a defenseless Jewish person:’ How much can any fine Aryan take from this Juden menace?’ In Jim Crow Mississippi circa 1950s, when a mob just lynched a young black man, and as his corpse remained dangling from a Magnolia tree, the local yokel sheriff announced ‘ Well, the colored boy made unwelcome advances to one of our fine white women.’ Well, Cherokee Cty Georgia Sheriff’s department spokesperson Capt Jay Baker just joined this list yesterday. According to Baker the obviously deranged 21 year old man ( white) just ‘ Had a bad day’ , so he gunned down eight people at a few Massage Spas, including six Asian women. The highly empathetic ( toward the killer) Capt Baker said the suspect ( who confessed ) ‘ Was pretty much fed up and kinda at the end of his rope’. Maybe if this was in Georgia 70 years ago the ‘ End of the rope’ could have been used for those ‘ Chink women’.
Interesting how the same Capt Jay Baker made Face book posts just less than one year ago ( April of 2020) purchasing and promoting a Tee shirt calling the Covid virus ‘ An Imported Virus from Chy-Na ‘( China ). Obvious to anyone with even half a brain ( which many White Supremacists most likely have) Capt Jay Baker must have enjoyed hearing his president use the terms ‘ China Virus’ and ‘ Kung Flu’ to the enjoyment of all Trump Thumpers nationwide. Folks, as terrible as it was during decades past ( Anti Japanese American assaults during WW 2, Anti Iranian American assaults in the late 70s, Anti Iraqi American and ALL Arab American assaults after 9/11, Anti Antifa and Black Lives Matters protestor assaults recently) the proverbial Fecal matter keeps hitting the fan! Now, with Trump pushed out of office, we have his legacy of China bashing that will stay with us until the pandemic officially ends, or at least fades out of our focus. It is sad enough that so many of my compatriots on the ‘ Left’ think that the pandemic is phony, along with the mask wearing and social distancing, and of course the vaccines. They join the millions of Trump Thumpers and other sorts from the right wing who think the same of the aforementioned , for fear of being controlled and turned into slaves. This writer agrees to a certain extent with some conspiracy theorists that the Super Rich are using the pandemic to assert control over us… and of course to make lots and lots of Moolah. Go back and study the roots of our Great Depression and see how a group of Super Rich people manipulated the markets and made a fortune out of the Wall Street downfall. It is not ‘ Human Nature’, rather ‘ Evil Nature’.
As a nation many of us have become numb to all this murder. The late and great Donald Rumsfeld ( I am being sarcastic here gang ) could easily dismiss such violent provocations as nothing but ‘ Collateral Damage’ . A great example of this kind of warped thinking is the case of young Kyle Rittenhouse ( 17) in Kenosha Wisconsin last year. He traveled to that hot spot from his home in Illinois carrying a long rifle ( illegally bought ) to ‘ Aid the police’ during the street protests in Kenosha. The protests were in outrage against a cop that shot unarmed Jacob Blake six times in the back in front of his young children, as they watched him dying. Whatever argument really occurred between Blake and the cops before his murder is not at issue here. What is of issue is that Rittenhouse got himself enmeshed in battle with the protestors, was fleeing from the crowd, slipped to the ground and shot his rifle, killing two of the crowd that was chasing after him. HIs defense , and I am sure many in law enforcement will sadly agree with this, is that he, the only one in the crowd with the gun, was shooting in self defense!
Thanks to Capt Jay Baker and countless other white supremacists throughout our nation, this sickness will continue. This is the real summation of what the MAGA movement is really all about. They can all hide behind various devices of phony rationale, but in the end it is the fact that what is NOT like them is NOT worth them!