Horst Wessel an der Spitze seines Sturmes in Nürnberg, 1929
The late, great Rod Serling narrated that famous intro of his television show The Twilight Zone: ” You are travelling through another dimension- a dimension of not only sight and sound but of mind… “. Well, dear children, we are arriving into this 21st Century ‘ Twilight Zone’ as prisoners of what our empire is capable of allowing… or perhaps orchestrating is the better word. To many of us who know from history the terrible consequences of the Third Reich of the Nazis, we cringe a lot lately. This new and revised redux of those horrific times is quickly upon us. Yes, there was always a white supremacist mindset within our Amerika. Why, even the founding fathers were white supremacists. Slavery was not only sanctioned , but ingrained in the character of most of our great leaders. Even the Brits, who were as imperialist and colonialist as can be, finally abolished slavery for most of their empire in 1833. Not so for the descendants of theirs who ruled Amerika right up to and including the Civil War. If slavery was one symbol of white supremacy, then it is easy to connect the dots and see how the Nazis saw nothing wrong with their own version of supremacy. They just threw Jews, Slavs and Roma into the ‘ Witches Brew’ along with the blacks and browns.
So, we have a president and his administration AND Repugnantan Party that emboldens ‘ White Might’ more and more each and every tweet. Imagine making young ( 17 year old) Kyle Rittenhouse a hero for bringing an illegal rifle across state lines and shooting dead two unarmed protestors. Tell that to all who witnessed this, and of course the families of the dead men, that Kyle was there to ‘ Protect small businesses’. The last time I looked isn’t that the job of the police, to protect and serve? The protest in Kenosha was 99% peaceful, so where was the so called threat? As with 1930s Germany, private ‘ Storm Troopers’ always do the trick to maintain order, no matter how violent and frightening they may be. Trump repudiated the KKK, after forgetting that he knew all about David Duke, a man who, like Trump’s father, was a member of the Klan for years. The sad reality is that the KKK today is not as popular with white supremacists as is the many Neo Nazi groups out there. You know, like the ones who sponsored the infamous Charlottesville, Va. march and torch carrying procession on the weekend of August 12, 2017. Those are the people, the ones singing out ‘ Jews will not replace us’ and ‘ Blood and Soil’ (right out of the Storm Trooper playbook), who Trump referred to as ‘ Some fine people’. By the way, where was the outrage by all the Jews who work for his administration, those who voted for him, and of course the leaders of Israel?
Now, we have a new situation whereupon a group of far right wing fanatics were arrested for planning to kidnap and possibly harm the governor of Michigan and her family. Trump, as usual, could not and would not totally repudiate such a group. He took time to tweet to his minions how the governor had tarnished his good name etc. Folks, anyone, and I mean anyone, who will vote for this man and his party should check into the local hospital for mental evaluation. This election is NOT about Biden and his cowardly and Neo Con led party. No, for this time around, regardless of how unacceptable the Dems have become, this Proto Fascist, Neo Nazi culture emboldened by the other party must be stopped in its tracks…for good!!! As much as we on the Left say that voting is not the answer, this time it IS!!
The lyrics of the Horst Wessel Song, an anthem sung at rallies and meetings of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP). Lyrics appear in German with English translations:
Die Fahne hoch die Reihen fest geschlossen
(The flag is high, our ranks are closed)
S.A. marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt
(The S.A. marches with silent solid steps.)
Kam’raden die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen
(Comrades shot by the red front and reaction)
Marschier’n im Geist in unsern Reihen mit
(March in spirit with us in our ranks.)
Die Strasse frei den braunen Batallionen
(The street is free for the brown battalions)
Die Strasse frei dem Sturmabteilungsmann
(The street is free for the Storm Troopers.)
Es schau’n auf’s Hackenkreuz voll Hoffung schon Millionen
(Millions full of hope, look at our swastika)
Der Tag fur Freiheit und fur Brot bricht an
(The day breaks for freedom and for bread.)
Zum letzen Mal wird nun Appell geblasen
(For the last time the call will now be sounded)
Zum Kampfe steh’n wir alle schon bereit
(For the struggle now we all stand ready.)
Bald flattern Hitler-fahnen Uber allen Strassen
(Soon will fly Hitler’s banners over every street)
Die Knechtschaft dauert nur mehr kurze Zeit
(Our slavery will last only a short time longer.)
Die Fahne hoch die Reihen fest geschlossen
(The flag is high, our ranks are closed)
S.A. marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt
(The S.A. marches with silent solid steps.)
Kam’raden die Rotfront und Reaktion erschossen
(Comrades shot by the red front and reaction)
Marschier’n im Geist in unsern Reihen mit
(March in spirit with us in our ranks.)
PA Farruggio
October 9th 2020