The dictionary defines abyss as “A Deep or seemingly bottomless chasm.” Look around you folks and realize just how far down that rabbit hole we have fallen. You turn on the boob tube and try to watch a NFL football game. The teams are owned by billionaires . The players are mostly all millionaires, with star players earning mega millions (especially $ 20 to $50 million per year quarterbacks). The media that televises the games earns $ billions, with their announcers paid like the players, in mega millions. If you can afford a ticket to a game, bring your banker! A neighbor told me he went to a pro football game recently and a beer cost him $ 18. Unreal!
We have about half of the House of Representatives that are millionaires, while two thirds of the Senate are. Meanwhile, about 8% of Americans are millionaires. Yet, with the iron clasp that the two major political parties have on campaign spending, it is almost impossible for an independent candidate to win office… even on the state level! Money talks. Yet, the embedded media (for both parties) has the nerve to call this a democracy! Anybody want that bridge in Brooklyn for sale? Remember that only less than 10% of private sector labor is unionized, lower than it ever was. As long as the super rich own politics, along with of course our industry and media, our visit to the abyss is apparent.
Imagine if, instead of spending half of our tax dollars on military spending, we used the hundreds of billions of dollars to sure up our nation’s infrastructure? Maybe when this newest monster hurricane Milton hits land we would have had the power lines secured underground (like they did in Europe after WW 2 by the way) , the shorelines better protected and so on. No way Jose! The masters of empire, bunkered in their gated communities with hurricane shutters, don’t give a rat’s ass about us, the 99+%. God forbid there is either talk of socialism to LEVEL the playing field. My dear college buddy Jay from NYC says “Don’t call this capitalism. It’s really MONEYISM!” We working stiffs, making up most of that 99+%, need to get pissed at the super rich, and call them what they really are: GREEDY, SELF CENTERED NARCISSISTS!
PA Farruggio
October 2024
It’s a return to the Gilded Age, with social safety nets gone
To become rich now, as in the past, you have to be a sociopath, with no regard for ANYBODY
What to do? As Joe Hill said to friends before his execution (murder), “Don’t mourn…organize!”