As they push for more private equity ownership of our medical care AKA shitty Medicare Advantage Insurance and doctors and hospitals working for this ‘for profit’ scam, the voices for Socialism sing louder… If only you would listen to the lyrics. Millions of our fellow citizens have to pay outrageous rents to an army of absentee landlords, when the local community could own the property and charge much less. THAT is what socialism can do. How about this: Nonprofit mortgage banks run by the local town and subsidized by Uncle Sam ( instead of sending hundreds of billions to Israel and Ukraine and whatever banana republic we control) is what socialism can accomplish.
The precious safety net for public needs is being torn as I write. I have the solution. Let’s close the majority of our overseas military bases ( we have up to 1000, how sad is that?) and send the personnel home. We have plenty of domestic bases ready to accept them and … help stimulate the economies of the myriad of US cities and towns they inhabit. Imagine the literally hundreds of billions of dollars this would save? You want National Government run nonprofit medical insurance, you will have it… with even dental and vision included. Step two is to issue a Flat Income Surtax of 50% on all income over $ 1,000,000 per year, with NO deductions folks. So, a person earns $ 10,000,000 a year, he or she pays tax at the same rates now on the first $1,000,000. The remaining $9,000,000 gives Uncle $ 4,500,000 and the balance ( $ 4,500,000 ) stays with the earner tax free. Is that so bad?
Imagine public funding of all electoral campaigns, with NO private money allowed. You want real democracy, that is a great first step. A school teacher, a truck driver, anyone can seek and perhaps win office. Any money given to a candidate other than through public funding would translate into bribery, plain and simple. The late Illinois Senator Paul Simon put it best: ” When I go out on the campaign trail and return to my hotel room, I check my phone messages. As I skim through them and come to a message from one of my top $ donors, THAT is who I call back first. It’s just the way this money in politics system operates. Sad but true.” Once private money is taken out of the mix we can finally have what so many pundits incorrectly call our current democracy. No Virginia, there is no Santa Claus and NO DEMOCRACY until we take the private money out! No need for the tens of thousands of lobbyists who ascend upon out legislatures for their corporate interests.
One more tidbit folks. True socialism will actually aid our small businesses nationwide. Taxing the Super Rich and leveling a bit the playing field between corporate America and Mom and Pop will only see small businesses flourish. Stop falling for the propaganda by the FAT CATS and see through this fog of disinformation and misinformation.
PA Farruggio
January 2025