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Our Only Hope: Socialism!!

Our Only Hope: Socialism!!

The embedded mainstream media, owned by this Military Industrial Empire, has made Socialism synonymous with Communism. That makes the ( sadly) dumbed down public think of the old Soviet Union with its totalitarianism. They are made to believe that Big Brother will run...
They Trick Us And Move On

They Trick Us And Move On

Sitting here watching, for the umpteenth time, the Jonathan  Demme directed remake of The Manchurian Candidate. Early on in the film the Denzel Washington character says to his troubled former infantry mate ” It’s over. It’s done. Ya gotta move...
Collateral Political Damage

Collateral Political Damage

Anyone remember the late ‘ Not so great’ Donald Rumsfeld explaining about killing innocent civilians in  our phony wars as ‘ Collateral Damage’? Then fast forward to today’s election cycle and digest the rhetoric being vomited from the...
Whatcha Gonna Do About Me?

Whatcha Gonna Do About Me?

Lyrics You poisoned my sweet water. You cut down my green trees. The food you fed my children Was the cause of their disease. My world is slowly fallin’ down And the airs not good to breathe. And those of us who care enough, We have to do something……. (Chorus) Oh…….oh...
A Farruggio Original: The Daddy Who Never Cried

A Farruggio Original: The Daddy Who Never Cried

The man lived until his 89th year and I never saw him cry until near the end. I will get to that later. Some kids never experience the love for their daddy as this little boy called me did. I can remember playing catch outside with my two pals Roy Edelstein and Johnny...