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Donald was tired. He just gave his best speech in years, or so he thought. Tomorrow the ‘ Fake News’ pundits would criticize him, but he was used to that. It actually emboldened him… and his loyal followers. Now he needed rest. After all, didn’t he survive the attack on his life? They were all out to get him, just like those who went after the man everyone said he was so very much alike. Didn’t they name him ‘ The Orange Jesus’? He was the anointed one the evangelical wing of his MAGA movement called him. For now Donald needed rest as there was so much more to do to wrap up this election. Soon as his head hit the pillow he was out like a light.

After what seemed like hours, actually 30 minutes or so, this bright light filled his bedroom. It was so intense that Donald awoke from his needed slumber. He looked around, still half asleep. Something was glowing right in the front of his bed. It was a figure of a man! This scared him to no end, who would blame anyone for feeling this fear.

* Who are you?

*I thought you knew who I am.

* I don’t have any idea who in the hell you are! What are you doing in my room? What’s with that light surrounding your body? What gives?

*Perhaps if you took more time to actually pray Donald, you would get a clue.

* Come on, you want me to have the Secret Service get you the hell out of here?

* No, I only came to talk to you Donald.

* And what gives with that light surrounding your body? Are you some sort of ghost?

* Well, perhaps to you I look like a ghost. To others who actually believe in me I am NOT a ghost.

*What do you want from me? I can’t deal with this. I’m an important man. I’m going to be president again.

*The moment I saw you holding that New Testament upside down I knew I needed to talk with you Donald.

* Listen, I don’t know what your game is here man. What is this some sort of Democratic Party trick? Did Biden put you up to this? If anyone needs counseling from you it’s Crooked  Joe!

* Donald, when I heard how you plan to seek what you call retribution and revenge if elected, I knew I need to speak with you. Since you do not read that book you used for political purposes, one of the most important dictums is that the Lord said ‘ Vengeance is mine’.

* Well, when a man as important and vital to this country as me has been screwed by the Deep State…

* Donald, YOU are as much a part of that Deep State as those you accuse.

* Easy for you to say. You’re up there most of the time and I’m forced to deal with this evil down here.

*Donald, before you go on to point fingers at who is evil, why not take the time to actually read what I said in my Sermon on the Mount. It is all there for you to understand why you are on the wrong path.

* Listen, I’m a busy man. I have rallies to go to. I have a campaign to run. I don’t have time for these religious things. Let my aides or Thomas and the other justices I appointed deal with all that.

* Donald, remember another dictum from that book you held upside down: ” What we sow we shall reap.”

* Yeah Yeah, now can I get some sleep?


PA Farruggio
Port Orange, Florida
July, 2024