He was working as a wood craftsman when the ICE agents showed up at the jobsite. A few of his fellow workers started to flee the premises, but he stood there with his tools in his hands. The agents grabbed him, threw him to the ground and handcuffed him. HIs brow began to bleed as his head was scraped along the concrete floor. In his mind all he could think about was his mother Maria and his father Jose back home in Mexico. They told him the first time he decided to make the border cross that this day was most likely in store for him. He did not care. He was going to America to find a new life and he did not care… it was as simple as that… period!
He was placed inside of a crowded van, along with the other undocumented, to a detention center. From there they would be processed and vetted for the return trip to their individual countries. Most of those with him would be going back to Mexico. One or two of them became unruly at the treatment given to them, and he and the others would pay for that. When the officers pummeled him outside of the van he simply offered a slight half smile. The bleeding had stopped but he had this terrible headache. He knew before long he would be back with his parents, and that gave him some hope.
The ICE clerk asked him why he had illegally crossed to come to the states. He answered that there were not too many woodworking jobs back home. The guy laughed and said ‘ Why couldn’t you just do some other work?’ He answered that it was a dream of his to do the work that he was ordained to do. He had a great talent to create beautiful things out of wood. The clerk said that ‘ Well, this is not your country pal’. When he responded to that by asking why must there be countries and not just groups of people living together in peace and tranquility, the clerk stamped the form and ordered him down the line.
When he exited the bus over the border he was able to secure a ride south towards his hometown. After a few hours he got out, thanked the driver and phoned his parents. They arrived a quarter hour later and greeted him like the returning prodigal son. ‘ Jesus, we missed you so much’ his mother said as she hugged him. His father, a bit more stern, said he hoped this would be the last of these adventures. They both knew it wouldn’t be… Trump or no Trump.
PA Farruggio
December 2024
Tsunami “Trump” gathering force…:-(
We are going to be the losers. The Mexican that works with my grandson is getting ready to go home and his wife is thrilled.
Where are our moral compasses? How can any American justify voting for such a despicable human being, devoid of any morals, completely unprincipled, semi-illiterate and a pathological liar, to boot?
Kudos Mike.
Here is the reality of it all. Alex Wagner on her show played a tape of her visit in September to a union meeting in Saginaw MI. She asked the question to the audience of how they felt about what transpired on Jan 6th 2021. One young union member said ‘ I really did not follow it much’. Another 20 something guy said ‘ Oh was that the riot that occurred? I really don’t know much about it. I didn’t pay much attention.’
Yet, ask them about the brown people coming across our border and they will be much more opinionated.
By the way, Saginaw County went once again for Trump.
Well, we do have immigration laws for a reason. I do not believe in open borders. It is highly antagonistic to many people and engenders folks to support extreme right wing movements. If you want to stop demagogic fascists like Trump and others, take illegal immigration off the table and get with reality.