Being a conspiracy theorist, except for some of the Q-Anon sidetracking, this writer sees clearer than most. For many, the choices around events can be defined as ‘Glass being half full’ or ‘Glass being half empty’. Perhaps the reality may be that there is NO glass with fluid, just the illusion. Well, my ‘Not so favorite’ Democratic Party never ceases to astound me. The other half of the ‘Long Con’ of a Two Party/One Party System, the Republicans, are as hungry for blood as a pack of starving wolves. You know where they are coming from, like sharks circling little fishes. Alas, the good ole Dems, well, they take shrewdness to a new level each time.
Donald Trump made it so easy for the Democrats to kick his ass right down to a federal prison. Only the fools who followed him over the cliffs of reason would fail to see what ‘Incitement to Insurrect’ looks like. His own words sink him… over and over. Then you have his response, or failure to, regarding the Covid Virus Pandemic. He is on record of spouting garbage in February of 2020 that the virus was a hoax. His minions in government echoed his sentiments. Then, in his later interviews with Bob Woodward, Trump admitted that he knew way back in January of 2020 (or even sooner) that this virus was both deadly and highly contagious. HIs lame excuse was not to panic us. OK, the analogy is when a Category 4 or 5 hurricane is coming, and he has the info as to where it is heading, he stays mum so as ‘Not to panic us’. Thus, the public is not prepared for the worst… and the worst obviously comes. That alone would be not only an impeachable offense, but an indictable one… As with January 6th’s crazed attack on our Capitol. As an aside, imagine if you would if an anti police violence mob did the same. How many shot dead protestors would line the steps of the Capitol?
So, ask yourself this: Why didn’t the Democrats call all the witnesses they had ready to be deposed at the Senate Impeachment Trial ? Not only would it impress upon the Republican Senators the severity of his apparent incitement, but more importantly, it would be a ‘Bully Pulpit’ to hammer it home, day after day, to us the public. Now here is my conspiracy theory, which even constitutional scholar Bruce Fein (who worked in the right wing Reagan Justice Dept) agrees with: The Democrats are eager to have Trump ready and able to run again in 2024. As Fein said himself, this theory was most likely originated by the upper echelons of their party, and NOT by the Impeachment Managers. No, this had to have come from the Democratic Party leaders, like Schumer and Pelosi (maybe Obama and Miss Hillary?) and of course the heavy machers who own their party AKA The Super Rich members of this empire (There are other Super Rich machers who run the other party and its leaders). The Democrats know how divisive Trump is… within his own party! What may well occur is a fracturing of the Republican Party, with perhaps Trump using his ‘ My way or the highway’ arrogance to split and form his own party, or just run as an independent. While the Democrats will be beside themselves, gloating….
Enter the Green Party, and of course, on the right wing side, the Libertarians and other such groups. For us true progressives and or Socialists, the Green Party can be a magnet. Think of all those Bernie supporters (sadly, he would never leave his comfort zone) who are already fed up with the Biden ‘Just like Clinton and Obama’ administration. We can see how Joe Biden has already surrounded himself with remnants of the Neo Liberal ‘Corporations First’ Clinton and Obama gang, domestically and foreign policy wise. By Trump doing his thing the Greens will attract millions of working stiffs once they realize that it doesn’t have to be mutiny to leave the Democratic Party’s safe refuge anymore. It won’t be the same old rhetoric: “Oh, if you don’t vote for us you will get THEM!” Trump would have inadvertently given 3rd Party movements a shot of adrenaline… finally!
PA Farruggio
February 2021
It’s the people behind the people, behind the people…the shadow government, never held accountable for crimes against humanity.
right on david! the super rich , many of whom we do not even know exist, ‘ Whisper’ in the ears of our government leaders, and ‘ Whallah!!’ policies are made that go against us working stiffs.
Do you think Biden thought of it himself to bomb in Syria? He is a hack who only got into the White House when the Dems and their ‘ Whisperers ‘ made sure that Sanders was toast politically!
They just had a show trial to fool the sheep in to thinking the process is democratic! They never intended to find him guilty in the first place. It is like the Warren commission having Dulles as one of the commissioners. The outcome was already arranged so that Oswald would be the patsy for an obvious state sponsored murder. Nothing to see here folks just go back to your phones and video games. Thanks again for a look behind the curtain.
thanks Jack right on!
we need the youngest among us, the teens, 20, 30 and 40 somethings, to read sites like this one, and listen to our interviews.